Tender: EC1005LM

Eastern Cape   Real Estate, Auctions & General Services
75 views • Monday, 17 Jan 2022 9:30AM
All Bids closed on 8 Feb 2022 10:00AM

Bid Number: EC1005LM
Bid Description: Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of various Mini Sub B CB Coastal D8050, D8051, D8052 and D8053.
Name of Institution:  Eskom / The Gatehouse
Sunilaws Office Park
Corner Bonza Bay Road & Quenera Street
Beacon Bay

GPS Co-ordinates:
32° 57' 11.1"S
27° 56' 4.7"E
Attention: L Mavukwana
Contract: Supply Contract
Audience: All Suppliers

Date Published: 2022-01-17 08:37:53
Closing Date: 2022-02-08 10:00:00


Email: [email protected]
FAX Number: 0865375714

Address:The Gatehouse
Sunilaws Office Park
Corner Bonza Bay Road & Quenera Street
Beacon Bay

GPS Co-ordinates:
32° 57' 11.1"S
27° 56' 4.7"E
Attention: L Mavukwana

source: easytenders.co.za
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Imported on: Monday, 17 Jan 2022 9:30AM

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