Tender: 01-2024/25

Limpopo   Materials, Supply & Services
45 views • Sunday, 15 Sep 2024 4:50PM

Request for Bid(Open-Tender): 01-2024/25
Department: Musina Local Municipality
Bid Description: Collection and Transportation of Cash (Cash in transit Service for a period of Three years
Place where goods, works or services are required: 21 Irwin Street Musina Civic Centre - Musina Civic Centre - Musina - 0900

Opening Date: Sunday, 15 Sep 2024
Closing Date: Wednesday, 9 Oct 2024 11:00AM
Modified Date: Sunday, 15 Sep 2024 4:50PM

Enquiries/Contact Person:  Ms D Tshikota
Email : [email protected]
Tel : 083-463-9442
Fax: 015-534-2513

Briefing Session:  NO
Compulsory Briefing: NO

Special Conditions: 1. Tender documents containing the Conditions of Tender will be available from the Cashier, Musina Civic Centre, 21 Irwin Street, as from Wednesday, 18 September 2024, upon a non-refundable fee as indicated above, during office hours (Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 15:00pm) OR can alternatively be downloaded for free from e-Tender Publication Portal (www.etenders.gov.za) or on Musina Municipality website (www.musina.gov.za)
2.All Responsive Bids will be evaluated on the 80/20 Preference Points System as prescribed by the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2022.

source: easytenders.co.zasource: easytenders.co.za

Source website where this tender was initially listed and posted online:

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Imported on: Sunday, 15 Sep 2024 4:50PM
Musina Local Municipality
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ADVERT Dirk Kotze Attorneys

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