Tender: 28S/2024/25

Western Cape   Cleaning & Facility Management
9 views • Friday, 26 Jul 2024 8:00AM

Request for Bid(Open-Tender): 28S/2024/25
Department: City of Cape Town
Bid Description: Supply, delivery and installation of new book theft detection systems and the maintenance of existing book theft detection systems for The City Of Cape Town
Place where goods, works or services are required: Tender Submission Office, Concourse Level, 2nd Floor, Civic Centre - 12 Hertzog Boulevard - Cape Town - 8000

Opening Date: Friday, 26 Jul 2024
Closing Date: Tuesday, 27 Aug 2024 10:00AM
Modified Date: Friday, 26 Jul 2024 8:00AM

Enquiries/Contact Person:  Dr Flippie van der Walt
Email : [email protected]
Tel : 021-444-0474
Fax: 000-000-0000

Briefing Session:  Yes
Compulsory Briefing: NO
Date: Monday, 12 August 2024 - 10:00
Venue: Skypelink: https://meet.capetown.gov.za/emma.bezuide nhout/GN6YD03S

Special Conditions: Bids must be compliant with the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2022 including but not limited to, functionality, price and preference, eligibility criteria and relevant statutory criteria. The details of this are contained in the tender document.

source: easytenders.co.zasource: easytenders.co.za

Source website where this tender was initially listed and posted online:

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Imported on: Friday, 26 Jul 2024 8:00AM
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City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality
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