Tender: 379/2024

Eastern Cape   Healthcare & Medical Services
13 views • Friday, 26 Jul 2024 9:50AM

Request for Bid(Open-Tender): 379/2024
Department: Ntinga O.R Tambo Development Agengy
Bid Description: Provision of Vet Services for a period of 36 months
Place where goods, works or services are required: No. 5 Textile - Southernwood - Mthatha - 5099

Opening Date: Friday, 26 Jul 2024
Closing Date: Monday, 26 Aug 2024 12:00PM
Modified Date: Friday, 26 Jul 2024 9:50AM

Enquiries/Contact Person:  Mr Muteyi
Email : [email protected]
Tel : 047-495-0547

Briefing Session:  NO
Compulsory Briefing: NO

Special Conditions: The bids will be evaluated on the basis of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (Act No.5, 2000), and the regulations pertaining thereto (2022), as well as the Ntinga OR Tambo Development Agency SOC Ltd Supply Chain Management policy 80/20 preference point system will be used as per the NORTDA SCM policy.
The bids will be evaluated in two stages, namely:
• Stage 1- Functionality
• Stage 2- Price and Specific goals
Only Bidders who score 70% or more on stage 1 would be evaluated further and therefore eligible for the award

source: easytenders.co.zasource: easytenders.co.za

Source website where this tender was initially listed and posted online:

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Imported on: Friday, 26 Jul 2024 9:50AM
O.R Tambo District Municipality
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ADVERT Dirk Kotze Attorneys

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