Tender: .MWP2686CX

Gauteng   Cleaning & Facility Management
28 views • Wednesday, 11 Sep 2024 2:40PM

Request for Bid(Open-Tender): .MWP2686CX
Department: ESKOM
Bid Description: The provision for maintenance in terms of painting the roof, beams with rust, water, air, diesel pipes, handrails, furnance equipment, equipment covers, grating and pipe insulation replacement of PSCTF on an as and when required basis for a period of 24 months
Place where goods, works or services are required: Lower Germiston Road, - Johannesburg - Johannesburg - 2000

Opening Date: Wednesday, 11 Sep 2024
Closing Date: Monday, 30 Sep 2024 10:00AM
Modified Date: Wednesday, 11 Sep 2024 2:40PM

Enquiries/Contact Person:  Sello
Email : [email protected]
Tel : 011-800-6427
Fax: 011-800-2090

Briefing Session:  Yes
Compulsory Briefing: NO
Date: Tuesday, 17 September 2024 - 10:30
Venue: Refer to tender documents

Special Conditions: N/A

source: easytenders.co.zasource: easytenders.co.za

Source website where this tender was initially listed and posted online:

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Imported on: Wednesday, 11 Sep 2024 2:40PM

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