Tender: SANRAL N.003-120-2017/1RF

Gauteng   Civil Engineering & Infrastructure
63 views • Wednesday, 29 Nov 2023 7:40PM
All Bids closed on 29 Jan 2024 11:00AM

Request for Bid(Open-Tender): SANRAL N.003-120-2017/1RF
Department: South African National Roads Agency Soc Limited (SANRAL)
Bid Description: The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL) invites tenders for the provision of Consulting Engineering Services for the Administration and Monitoring of the Works Contract for the Improvement of National Road 3 Section 12 from Dwars in Die Weg (Km 0.0) to Heidelberg Road (Km 25.5). This project is in the province of Gauteng and in the City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality and the approximate programme is for design review and construction documentation to be completed by 28 September 2024, followed by supervision of thirty (30) months, commencing April 2025.

Opening Date: Wednesday, 29 Nov 2023
Closing Date: Monday, 29 Jan 2024 11:00AM
Modified Date: Wednesday, 29 Nov 2023 7:40PM

Enquiries/Contact Person:  Procurement Office
Email : [email protected]
Tel : 012-426-6200

Briefing Session:  Yes
Compulsory Briefing: NO
Venue: https://www.nra.co.za/sanral-tenders/status?region_id=national.

Special Conditions: Only tenderers who are registered on the National Treasury Central Supplier Database and meet the minimum requirements for the key persons as stipulated in Clause C.2.1 at the tender closing date, are eligible to tender. Joint Ventures (JV) will be allowed on condition that one JV partner is a Targeted Enterprise. The JV partner will, however, not contribute to sub-contract target for Targeted Enterprises.

source: easytenders.co.zasource: easytenders.co.za
The listed documents for this tender have been archived.

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Imported on: Wednesday, 29 Nov 2023 7:40PM
South African National Roads Agency SOC Ltd (SANRAL) logo
South African National Roads Agency SOC Ltd (SANRAL)
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