Tender: ZNB01932/00000/00/HOD/INF/23/T

KwaZulu-Natal   Civil Engineering & Infrastructure
925 views • Tuesday, 13 Jun 2023 12:20PM
All Bids closed on 26 Jul 2023 11:00AM

Request for Bid(Open-Tender): ZNB01932/00000/00/HOD/INF/23/T
Department: Kwazulu Natal - Transport
Bid Description: The Province of KwaZulu-Natal, Department of Transport, invites tenders from contractors, experienced in roadworks, for the establishment of a panel for the reseal of surfaced roads, drainage and ancillary works on various roads. The panel will be available for a duration of 36 months.
Place where goods, works or services are required: 172 Burger Street - Pietermaritzburg - Pietermaritzburg - 3201

Opening Date: Tuesday, 13 Jun 2023
Closing Date: Wednesday, 26 Jul 2023 11:00AM
Modified Date: Tuesday, 13 Jun 2023 12:20PM

Enquiries/Contact Person:  Shumi Ngubane
Email : [email protected]
Tel : 033-355-0566

Briefing Session:  Yes
Compulsory Briefing: NO
Date: Thursday, 29 June 2023 - 13:00
Venue: https://bit.ly/ZNB01932

Special Conditions: Only tenderers that satisfy the eligibility criteria stipulated in clause C.2.1 of the Tender Data are eligible to have their tenders considered.
Tenderers must have a CIDB contractor grading designation 7CE/SB and higher. Successful tenderers will be grouped per CIDB grading.

source: easytenders.co.zasource: easytenders.co.za
The listed documents for this tender have been archived.

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Imported on: Tuesday, 13 Jun 2023 12:20PM
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