Tender: MWP2265CX

Gauteng   Electrical Systems & Automation
38 views • Thursday, 8 Aug 2024 9:30AM

Request for Proposal: MWP2265CX
Department: ESKOM
Bid Description: Regret letter for:The procurement of the required services of a Transactional Advisor for the assessment and packaging projects for Private Public Participation or Private Sector TheParticipation for the Majuba, Arnot, Duvha, and Tutuka PV Projects, as well as Kleinzee and Aberdeen Wind Projects for a period of 2 years.

Opening Date: Thursday, 8 Aug 2024
Closing Date: Wednesday, 1 Jan 2025 10:00AM
Modified Date: Thursday, 8 Aug 2024 9:30AM

Enquiries/Contact Person:  Martin Nndwammbi
Email : [email protected]
Tel : 011-800-5234

Briefing Session:  NO
Compulsory Briefing: NO

Special Conditions: N/A

source: easytenders.co.zasource: easytenders.co.za

Source website where this tender was initially listed and posted online:

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Imported on: Thursday, 8 Aug 2024 9:30AM

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