Tender: RFQ-113-2024-2025

Gauteng   Construction Services & Skilled Trades
157 views • Tuesday, 10 Sep 2024 3:40PM
   All Bids will close in 10 hours 49 minutes

Request for Quotation: RFQ-113-2024-2025
Department: National Research Foundation
Bid Description: The National Research Foundation| SAASTA (NRF-SAASTA) wishes to appoint a suitable service provider to appoint a suitable CIDB Grade 1ME service provider to service Air Conditioners, supply, delivery and installation of new Air Conditioners and removal of the old Units.
Place where goods, works or services are required: 211 Nana Sita Street - Didacta Building - Pretoria - 0001

Opening Date: Tuesday, 10 Sep 2024
Closing Date: Friday, 27 Sep 2024 11:00AM
Modified Date: Tuesday, 10 Sep 2024 3:40PM

Enquiries/Contact Person:  Tumelo Mothupi
Email : [email protected]
Tel : 012-392-9380

Briefing Session:  Yes
Compulsory Briefing: Yes
Date: Thursday, 19 September 2024 - 10:00
Venue: SAASTA, Didacta Building, 211 Nana Sita Street, Pretoria Central

Special Conditions: N/A

source: easytenders.co.zasource: easytenders.co.za

Source website where this tender was initially listed and posted online:

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Imported on: Tuesday, 10 Sep 2024 3:40PM
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National Research Foundation (NRF)
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